Ants (To Destroy). - Ingredients: 20 grains white arsenic, 20 grains sub-carbonate of potash, 3 teaspoonfuls of sugar. Mix in 1/2 cup of water. Place the cup in a pan of water till it boils. Set in saucers near ant holes. Label 'Poison'.
To Destroy Moths, Bugs, &c. -Make a very strong solution of alum and hot water, and apply to crevices with a brush. Wet the edges of carpets that are moth-infested with the solution and it will be found effective.
Moths in Carpets. - Before putting down a carpet wash the boards over with turpentine. This is a safe-guard against moths. They dislike the smell of turpentine,and are not likely to attack carpets if the floor next to them has been washed over with it.
Flies (To Banish). - A simple way of getting rid of flies from a room is to heat a poker, and put it on a piece of camphor, which will give off fumes which are most disagreeable to flies and other insect pests.
To keep moths from clothing sprinkle with pepper, and keep it in a box with a cake of camphor.
To prevent mosquito bites spray with tincture of insect powder.
For the bites or stings of insects apply liquid ammonia or a mixture of toilet vinegar and glycerine. If neither is at hand, use the laundress's blue bag, damp.
(Text quoted from 'Cookery Book of Good and Tried Receipts.' Compiled for the Women's Missionary Association of the Presbyterian Church of New South Wales. Angus & Robertson, Sydney. 1920. pp. 219-220.)