Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sugar Buns

1 3/4 cups of self-raising flour
3 tablespoons of milk
1/4 teaspoon of salt
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup of butter
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla essence

Sift the flour and salt into a bowl; add sugar and rub in the butter. Beat the egg, milk and vanilla essence together in a separate bowl, then mix with the flour to a stiff dough. Teaspoon onto a greased oven tray and sprinkle with a little sugar. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 10-15 minutes until the buns turn light brown.

Varieties of these buns can be made by adding: raspberry essence and red colouring; cocoa; sultanas; mixed fruit; almonds; walnuts, etc.